CBD Skin Care: Is it Worth the Hype?

Bertha Garrett works in the cannabis industry at Canna Clinic

CBD Skin Care: Is it Worth the Hype?

The attitude towards skincare products using CBD products has certainly changed a lot in recent years as people learn more about the production. Even though it is derived from the cannabis plant, CBD doesn’t have any risk of making people feel high or getting any sort of psychoactive effects from it, and this has helped CBD skin-care products to grow and make up a much bigger part of the market.

Personal Story of a CBD Products User

I have been using CBD skin care products for my psoriasis for the past few months and have noticed a significant improvement in my skin's appearance. The redness and inflammation have greatly decreased, and my skin is much smoother and clearer.

One of the best things about these products is their incredible anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. My skin feels softer and more supple since I started using them, and I have noticed a reduction in breakouts. Furthermore, it has reduced the itchiness I experience because of my skin condition.

 The cannabinoids have improved the condition and appearance of my skin and have been an excellent addition to my regular self-care regimen.  It has helped me unwind and de-stress by spending a few minutes pampering my skin with these soothing and revitalizing products.

 In addition to the benefits of CBD, these products have long-term anti-aging effects. My skin looks smoother and more youthful since using them, and I am sure that they are helping to protect my skin from future damage.

I am incredibly pleased with the results I have seen from using CBD skin care products. Thus, I  recommend them to anyone looking to improve the health and appearance of their skin.

The Proposed Benefits of Skin-Care Products With CBD

In our guide to CBD skin care products you will learn how it can potentially play a role in your daily routine, plus the CBD skincare benefits that have been proven by science. This is not some sort of new-age treatment that doesn’t have any grounding, as research has shown that the benefits to the body are potentially widespread.

Possibly Plays a Role in Treating Acne

CBD oils and other products contain fatty acids which are shown to be lacking in many people who suffer with acne. On top of that, the antibacterial properties of CBD can be great for treating the actual infection that causes acne.

Even more benefits are found within CBD products, which have been shown to help with inflammation often caused by skin conditions, and it can even help to regulate the body’s production of lipids, keeping the skin healthy.

May Decrease Inflammation From Sunburns

Many of the same benefits of CBD that can help with treating acne can also be really useful when it comes to treating sunburn. If you’ve experienced bad sune bayou will know just how awful it can potentially be and the pain that it can cause. The sooner you can soothe the area, the better.

 Of course the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD play a big part in both the pain relief, and helping the body to recover from burns. Inflammation can cause a lot of pain and your skin may become red and itchy as well as inflamed.

 Sunburn is of course best avoided if at all possible, but if you do get burned and you are looking for relief from the pain then CBD can be applied topically using gels and lotions to help soothe the pain. It can also be used in conjunction with other things like Aloe Vera.

Potentially Helps Eczema and Psoriasis

Other skin conditions may benefit from the topical use of CBD. Psoriasis can be really debilitating and it is also the most common autoimmune disease in the whole of the US. Psoriasis makes the immature skin cells collect and cause pain, swelling and inflammation.

 The cannabinoids can do a couple of things that may help with these sorts of issues, and help with the pain that can be caused by eczema too. Firstly, the anti-inflammatory properties are at play once again. Secondly, some studies have shown that cannabinoids can help to control skin production, which is a way to tackle the issue at source.

 While this is not totally proven, there are some really positive signs. This study shows what a big impact CBD can potentially have on psoriasis.

What Scientific Evidence Doesn’t Yet Tell Us About CBD for Skin Care

Cannabis and CBD products aren’t fully understood yet. However, there is both anecdotal evidence and some scientific evidence that CBD treatments can have a positive impact on your skin routine.

 Some CBD products have alternatives that may be more effective, and if you have a dermatologist or doctor who offers advice on your skin issues then it is certainly a good idea to take their advice on treatment and pain relief.

Jordan Tishler, M.D. a medical cannabis expert based in Boston has provided an overview, as well as CB1 and CB2 receptors being impacted by CBD, there is also evidence that TRPV-1 and GPR55 receptors are affected, he says. These systems help to play a role in the pain and inflammation of the skin.

 The scientific community is continuing to make great strides and learn a lot more about CBD, and as this continues then the advice may still change when it comes to using cannabis products for skin care as well as in other parts of their lives.

The ideal dose of CBD for treating skin conditions

If you are taking it orally to deal with pain, then start with around 40 mg under the tongue to treat severe pain, and see if this can impact the pain you are experiencing. This can often be accompanied by topical application of CBD oils, which will all have their own specific doses.

 Always read the labels of any CBD topical products that you purchase, and it is better to start with smaller amounts and see how this impacts your system, as tempting as it can be to slather it onto the affected area.

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